Feng Shui, “wind and water”, is a traditional Chinese practice based on the Tao philosophy.
It consists of a series of rules regarding the situation, orientation, structure and decoration of a home, office or any other space. Heeding these rules results in accumulating good energy, or “chi” (“ki” in Japanese and “prana” in Sanskrit).
According to Feng Shui, the wind (“feng”) disperses energy, which is why windchimes are encouraged to be hung wherever air passes—such as above a door or in the West or Norwest corner of your home. Its pleasant chime helps to activate favorable energy, or “sheng chi”, as well as create a peaceful atmosphere, draw happiness and good fortune, and balance natural energies. In southern Spain, Andalusia, these windchimes are known as “espantaespíritus”, or spirit repellants.
We consulted a Feng Shui advisor some time ago to survey our office. He suggested that we changed the desks around in addition to moving people according to their functions. Once we made the changes, I could really see that it was all common sense! Now, our communication is more fluid, we don’t have to get up needlessly as much and the people who stop by also intuitively know where to go.
Another helpful Feng Shui tip is to get rid of anything that is broken or useless. We all hoard useless or broken objects that we don’t to part with. That old cellphone you don’t use anymore, or that old fax machine—that still works and would be a waste toss, but just sits in its box. It really is liberating to let go of all of it.
Also, according to Feng Shui, water (“shui”) accumulates energy and is said that placing it in a fountain in the northern part of the home draws good fortune. If possible, a garden pond would be an ideal solution, if not, a small fountain or a fish bowl inside the home would work fine.
Oh, and lastly, using incense that gives off pleasant fragrances are yet another good idea—this one is my personal favorite.